15 Unsolved True Crime And Paranormal Mysteries

Suggested by: u/zoenin_out You can read more about the case here. Suggested by: Anonymous You can read about her case here. Suggested by: u/11Kram Naturally, there are tons of theories as to who she was and what exactly happened to her. They range from her being killed by serial killers or mobsters to her being a criminal herself. One of the most notorious theories, though, comes from Stephen King’s son, who, while watching Jaws, noticed an extra who looked strikingly similar to the sketch composite of the Isdal Woman....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 547 words · Cherie Venson

17 Best Therapist Advice Tweets

January 20, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Kara Flores

17 Celebrity Near Death Experiences

Brendan passed out and ultimately woke up with the stunt coordinator hovering over him: “He’s clapping in my face, going, ‘Brendan! Brendan! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!’ And I did, and he goes, ‘Hey. Congratulations. You just joined the club with Mel Gibson. He got choked out on Braveheart, too.’” Leo then added that his second chute didn’t work as planned either. He said it got tangled for “about 20–30 seconds” before the instructor who was attached to him was able to untangle it, just before hitting the ground: “He untangled it, and then he told me, ‘Oh, you’re probably gonna break your legs now because we’re going too fast....

January 20, 2023 · 5 min · 1016 words · Barbara Butters

17 Fan Reactions To Pitch Perfect Bumper In Berlin

The series landed on Peacock in November, so let’s see what fans are really thinking of the show…

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 18 words · Leroy Alonso

18 Dated Home Design Trends That People Actually Love

—sr4 “Minimalism is more of a lifestyle than a trend. It can also be done with rich colors — not everything has to be white. Maximalism, on the other hand, definitely looks stunning when it’s done right, but I wouldn’t want to live in it. It’s too much clutter which gets overwhelming for my anxiety and ADHD.” —Tagurit “My friends have real wood floors. They also have a basket of disposable slippers by their front door for all of their guests because it’s so easy to damage it....

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 121 words · Albert Angel

18 Entitled Bosses Reddit

January 20, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · John Bunch

19 Best Dumpster Diving Finds Of 2022

January 20, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Aracelis Hernandez

19 Transformaciones De Famosos Para Un Personaje

January 20, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Kristopher Flemming

2 1

飼い主さん(@mhchun28)が自宅で撮影した愛犬の様子をTwitterに投稿したところ、1万4000回以上リツイートされ、14万1000回を超える「いいね」が集まりました。 リプライ欄には「なんやこの生物」「ぷるぷるコーギー。略してプルコギ」「めっっちゃ震えてる!抱きしめたい」など、反響が寄せられています。 心から注射が嫌だということが伝わってきます。たしかに、注射って痛いもんな…。 たった2秒の尺に収められた情報とは思えないほど、切なさとかわいさが渋滞しています。 もともとは、妹さんがペットショップで一目惚れして、家族に迎え入れたそう。 その一方で、ちゅんさんは犬と暮らすことになったことを知らず、「家に帰ったらいきなり犬がいてびっくりしました」と振り返ります。 ちなみに、特徴的なおしりのハートマークは「ペットサロンでカットしてもらっている」とのこと。 「トリマーさんが『このおしりは、ハートにしたい…!』となったらしく、その方の案でハートになりました」 どうやらコーギーちゃんは、普段から注射が苦手なご様子。「いつも大体震えてますね」と語ります。 今回も不安を感じさせる表情をしてくる愛犬に、ちゅんさん自身も心配に。 「あまりに震えるのでこちらも不安になりました。でも頑張って我慢している姿は、健気でかわいかったです。こんなこと言っていいか分かりませんが…」 多くの人から寄せられる反響には「こんなに反応を頂いたことは初めてだったので、ただただ驚いています!」と話しています。

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 12 words · Kerri Jones

20 Affordable Yet Awesome Dishes For A Perfect Friendsgiving

One of the best things about Thanksgiving/Friendsgiving are the sides, as the holiday often calls for the perfect cocktail of buttery, starchy goodness to help usher us all into temporary food comas. But if you’re not looking to go out with catering trays of everyone’s favorite sides this Friendsgiving, you can stretch out what you have with a delicious bite-sized treat infused with the holiday spirit: the Sides Stuffed Sliders....

January 20, 2023 · 14 min · 2807 words · Francis Tuholski

20 People Who I Know For A Fact Regret Literally Every Single Decision They Made This Week

January 20, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Louis Fuentes

21 Former Classmates Share What The Pretty Girl Does Today


January 20, 2023 · 1 min · word · Gabrielle Clark

21 Home Design Fails Reddit

January 20, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Mike Warner

23 Offensive Halloween Costumes You Should Not Wear

January 20, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Richard Burr

24 Reasons Older Generations Like Younger Generations


January 20, 2023 · 1 min · word · Virgil Smith

25 Job Search Tips For Landing A New Gig In 2023

“I am currently hiring for a front desk position that would require the future employee to interact with customers (both in person and via email) and be professional and timely at all times. I have been emailing with a number of applicants to organize interviews, and I am blown away by the number of people who have not been professional throughout the process. I have already written off the applicants who have been short and unprofessional in their emails, shown up late for their interview, or been poor communicators throughout the process....

January 20, 2023 · 6 min · 1127 words · Timothy Clark

25 Most Romantic Movie Lines Ever

January 20, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Joshua Gallant

26 Actors Onscreen Romantic Chemistry

January 20, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Kimberly Pruitt

26 Deathbed Confessions That Are Downright Shocking

Warning: This post mentions suicide and addiction. —Anonymous —ahcomeonnow —scatteringbones —kmlw71 —Anonymous —bessk89 —lmniccum01 —lunallee212 —ribbin —Anonymous I googled this weeks later, and there indeed exists a traditional ‘dish’ in China described in the West as Virgin boy egg from centuries ago. Apparently, this concept had fascinated her and she frequently recreated this herself and served it to her family (which sometimes included my younger self) without explaining what it was....

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 207 words · Lenny Turner

27 Insufferable Main Characters People Hated

—u/TimothyDextersGhost “Season 1, I felt bad for her and wanted her to escape. After the ending of Season 2 though, I couldn’t continue watching. It’s like the writers kept forcing her to come back to continue the show, but it didn’t make sense because I feel like she would’ve been sent to the radiation mines or killed. But honestly after all those people worked so hard for her to get her out, only to just spit in their faces?...

January 20, 2023 · 9 min · 1761 words · Alfred Franks