“One if the biggest reasons I connected with the Zelda franchise is because Link was left handed. Then, the Wii came around, and they made him right handed, and now it seems it’s never going back.” —u/Momorules99 “For real!!! I actually felt like I could relate to his character as a kid just because he was left handed. Playing The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past for the first time, I remember noticing almost immediately that he held his sword in his left hand and getting all excited over it. It’d be cool if in future games they gave you the option on which hand to hold your weapon in.” —u/Furt_shniffah “My husband is left-handed, and when we go out with friends for dinner, I absolutely have to sit on his right side. If I sit on his left side, we’ll bump elbows all night and both become gradually more irritated with each other.” —u/Sad-And-Mad —u/newuser_69420 —u/draiman “…especially after working together for three years.” —u/GreenAppleLady “The stupid coil gets caught on everything, and you can only use, like, half the page. Once your wrist gets to the spiral, everything just looks like a toddler wrote it.” —u/JamesMcGirthy