“I was at a party like this in high school. My friend’s cousin was turning 8 years old, and my friend’s family hosted a huge party with the whole neighborhood: bounce house, balloon animals, and face painting — the whole nine yards.  “Once the little kids were gone, all of the remaining adults took off their shoes and ran into the bounce house. It was really weird, and hilarious, watching all of the adults twice our age turn into kids and have a blast. Also, adults acting like kids are a lot more likely to offer beer to underage people, from my experience. I didn’t even drink alcohol at the time, and I still had half a dozen beers handed to me by people who I previously only thought of as so-and-so’s mom or dad.’” —u/OddlyLucidDuck —u/good_testing_bad “‘Apples Against Humanity,’ where you shuffle the decks of Apples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity together, is always a fun time.” —u/1wildstrawberry “I’m hoping to hold a ‘special occasion’ party soon. No specific theme, just tell them this is their opportunity to pull that outfit out of their closet that they never get to wear because it’s for ‘special occasions.’  “Cosplay they wore once to a con? Wear it! Fancy AF dress they got for a wedding? Wear it! That wild suit they saw at the thrift store and just had to have? Wear it!  “It will also apply to food — bring that food that’s been on your Pinterest board forever and never been made. I’ll put out all the decorations I’ve made or bought for parties, and we’ll use the good silverware and fancy serving dishes.” —u/HappyHummingbird42 “Let’s take it to the next level: Nerf gun war. I’m talking pillow forts, team captains, strategy, stealth — the whole nine yards.” —u/Rammid —u/Dragnskull “I highly recommend bubbles for any party, and especially weddings. We used them instead of rice or confetti when we walked out of the church.  “They look amazing both live and in photographs, both children and adults were excited to blow the bubbles, and best of all, there was no mess to clean up afterward. Also, it doesn’t attract birds or damage wildlife. Very fun option!” —u/cottoncloud101

How To Bring A Party Back To Life  According To Adults - 20How To Bring A Party Back To Life  According To Adults - 11How To Bring A Party Back To Life  According To Adults - 49How To Bring A Party Back To Life  According To Adults - 9How To Bring A Party Back To Life  According To Adults - 69